Principal Petty's Weekly Update: 02/09/2025

Good evening,

This is Marcus Petty, Principal of James Monroe High School, with an important message:

As a reminder, interim reports went home last week. Please take time to review them with your child. Feel free to contact teachers if you have any questions.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month! Let's raise awareness and support healthy and safe relationships. Wear orange on February 11 to show your support.

This year's African American Read-In Chain will be held February 26. To celebrate Black History Month, we invite students to explore and express the meaning of "home" through poetry.

Rising 11th and 12th graders, did you know you can earn college credits through JM's partnership with Virginia's Virtual Governor's School? Several students have already earned college credits this year in advanced courses like Human Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Cybersecurity, and more. On Thursday, Feb. 13, we will have an informational session in the afternoon for students and a session for all interested parents, families, and students at 5:00 PM in the JM lecture hall.

Save the Date: On February 27, we will host the Pathways to Success event. All are welcome to attend. Please review the flyer for more information: JMHS CTE Pathway to Success Night.png

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at the school.

One Community/One JM!

Have a great evening!