Principal Petty's Weekly Update: 02/02/2025

Good evening,

This is Marcus Petty, Principal of James Monroe High School with an important message:

Please partner with us in encouraging students to handle their laptops with care. Families may be responsible for up to $560.00 if devices are intentionally damaged.

Students must lock their phones in their Yondr Bags to maintain a distraction-free learning environment. Please remind students to handle their Yondr Bags with care, as they are responsible for any lost or damaged bags.

We will conduct a lockdown drill this week. Please be aware this is a routine practice to ensure student safety.

Medicaid Benefits Webinar will be on February 13th. Please see the attached flyer to register: 2.13.25 VA's Medicaid Waivers.png

Germanna Early College Program allows students to work toward their high school diploma and a transferable associate's degree simultaneously!

As a reminder, face and head coverings are not permitted in our building to help support a safe and healthy educational environment. This includes facemasks, gators, ski masks, hoods, caps, hats, and the like. Exceptions to this rule include:

  • Head or face coverings for religious reasons

  • Head or face coverings for health/medical reasons (i.e., medical masks for COVID-19)

  • Head or face coverings for educational expectations (i.e., safety goggles)

Lastly, please take a moment to review the newsletter attached to the email portion of this alert. Its filled with useful information, important dates, and details about upcoming events: February Newsletter New 2025.pdf

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at the school.

One Community/One JM!

Have a great evening!